Requesting an Official Excused Absence from the Dean of Students Office

Official Excused Absences

学生主任有权因下列原因准予请假:需要住院治疗的重大身体或心理疾病, or significant personal reasons such as bereavement, military duty, parenting leave, jury duty, or observance of religious holidays (see policy below). All requests must be supported by official and appropriate documentation. 学生必须与学生办公室联系,填写官方请假申请表,并在缺勤后七(7)天内提供有关该申请的支持性专业文件. If an official excused absence is granted, faculty members will be notified by the Dean of Students office. 学生有责任尽快就缺课一事与他们的指导老师联系, 并按照指导老师的要求完成所有错过的作业和/或考试. 学生不得因旷课而被扣分. For official excused absences, faculty members are expected to make reasonable arrangements for students to complete missed work without a late penalty; students are responsible to make up the work. For all other situations that don’t meet the criteria above, including health or medical issues that do not require hospitalization, 建议学生直接与教授就上课出勤率进行合作. 如何处理这种性质的缺课是由教授们自行决定的.

英国威廉希尔中文网站官方活动和非学术项目的官方请假可以根据教师的要求获得批准, administrators, and staff by the Dean of Students Office. 参加官方学术会议和课程的学生也可以在教务办公室的教师和顾问的要求下获得官方请假. 当学生因学校的官方活动和会议而被要求缺课时, the faculty, 或负责的工作人员应至少十(10)天将参加学生的姓名通知相应的办公室, or as soon as possible, in advance of the event. 在某些情况下,学术期望可能无法弥补(e).g., a concert or a performance). In this case, 当缺课导致学生无法完成课程要求时,可能会建议学生在另一个学期选修该特定课程. Whenever possible, communication with faculty members in advance is recommended.

Official excused absences are not granted during the period of final exams. 在极端情况下,可以在期末考试期间请假, 学生教务长将与主管学术事务的常务副校长就这一请求进行磋商.

With respect to class attendance, the following principles apply:
  • 只有教练可以允许学生离开课堂或实验室参加运动练习或训练, music, or theatre rehearsal, etc.
  • Instructors affected will be notified one week, or as soon as possible, 在预计缺课之前或尽快缺课.
  • 学生因参加学校批准的活动而缺课,将被视为旷课理由.
  • The grade of a student may not be lowered in any class due to excused absences.
  • 学生有责任主动咨询老师关于缺课的问题,并按照老师的要求去补课.
  • 教师需要在这些偶然的借口缺课的情况下帮助学生.

Religious Holidays and Excused Absences

以下主要宗教节日可以被认为是英国威廉希尔中文网站学生团体的官方借口缺席,而无需学生办公室院长的批准:犹太新年, Yom Kippur, and the first day of Passover; Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas; Eid al- Fitr and Eid al-Adha. 没有学生被要求参加或参加学校的活动,如体育比赛, concerts, 或在这些假期的课外讲座,如果学生的良心宗教仪式要求他们在上述日期缺席. 因着宗教信仰需要在非上述日期缺席的学生,可以使用以下程序:

Observances of religious holidays vary by tradition and country and, in some faiths, in accordance with the lunar calendar. Since religious holidays are scheduled in advance, 学生应在假期前至少十(10)天到学生办公室正式申请住宿,填写“官方请假申请表”.

在上述假期之外的官方请假, faculty members will be notified by the Dean of Students office. 学生有责任提前与他们的导师联系他们的缺席, 并按照指导老师的要求完成所有错过的作业和/或考试. The grade of a student may not be lowered in any class due to excused absences. Faculty members are expected to make reasonable arrangements for students to complete missed work without a late penalty; students are responsible to make up the work.


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