Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: September 11, 2023

  1. Are masks or face coverings required on campus?
  2. How do I complete my own contact tracing?
  3. Does the UE Health Center offer testing for COVID-19?
  4. 由于COVID-19,学生如何(以及何时)找借口缺课/缺课?
  5. How (and when) should employees seek absence from work due to COVID-19?
  6. 我的室友或室友测试呈阳性,但我不同意就地隔离的方法. 我该怎么办呢??
  7. 我如何使用COVID-19报告表报告我知道检测呈阳性但未隔离和/或未报告其检测结果的人? I’m concerned they may infect others.
  8. Do you know about a visitor, vendor, or affiliate who tested positive?
  9. I am a student living on campus who tested positive and needs to isolate, but I don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room. 我有什么选择?
  10. I am a student living on campus with a roommate who tested positive. I don’t feel comfortable having that person isolating with me in the room.
  11. 我是一名在校学生,曾接触过检测呈阳性的人(您是密切接触者)。. I need to quarantine, but don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room.
  12. 如果我生病了,如何从餐饮服务中心订购外卖或送餐服务, 在检疫, 或隔离?
  13. 我如何进行测试? Where can I get access to tests?
  14. Where do I find out more 信息 regarding high-risk populations?
  15. Where do I find out more 信息 about effective mask options?
  16. Where can I learn more about basic topics related to COVID-19?

Are masks or face coverings required on campus?

Currently, masks or face coverings are not required on campus. UE remains a mask-optional campus. 我们将继续监测当地的费率和卫生数据,同时与卫生专业人员合作,考虑何时更新口罩和面罩的政策和方法. 教师可以通过教务长办公室申请住宿,要求在教室里戴口罩或面罩.

How do I complete my own contact tracing?

接触者追踪可以帮助其他人接受检测或隔离,因为他们可能开始感染他人. 如果测试呈阳性, 您有责任识别并与那些在24小时内与您共度15分钟或更长时间,并且在您出现首次症状前两天内与您在6英尺范围内的人进行沟通.

You should write down all the people you believe are close contacts. Decide if you want to call, text, or email them about the possible exposure. 与他们分享 CDC recommendations for individuals who are exposed to COVID-19. If you attended classes, 会议, 事件, or a larger gathering, 把注意力集中在与你直接接触(6英尺内)15分钟或更长时间的人身上.

Does the UE Health Center offer testing for COVID-19?




If you are a close contact of a positive case, you should not seek an excused absence unless you start to develop symptoms.

如果测试呈阳性, you should seek an excused absence from your classes. 首先,完成 COVID-19 Reporting Form. 第二个, at your earliest opportunity, 你应该书面通知你的导师,你将不会参加亲自上课,因为疾病. Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may be out of class for that period of time. You are still responsible for any work during that time.

我们鼓励您要求您的教师在可能的情况下为您提供虚拟选项,以便您可以拨打/缩放到课堂上,以便您可以及时了解课程指导. 这并不适用于所有的课程,因为有些课程材料在虚拟环境中会更加困难. 询问是否有其他方法可以让你随时了解最新的课程材料和作业.

You are responsible for making up any missed work. 让你的老师了解你的最新健康状况,以防情况好转(你可以结束隔离),或者你开始感觉更糟. 如果您的症状恶化,需要额外的支持,请致电健康中心.

How (and when) should employees seek absence from work due to COVID-19?

If you are a close contact of a positive case, you do not need to stay home from work unless you start to develop symptoms. (However, you will need to wear a mask to work.)

如果测试呈阳性, you should complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. 通知你的主管你将因病不能亲自参加工作,并像往常一样提交病假. (COVID-19 sick time is no longer a separate sick time category.) Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may not be in-person for that period of time. 考虑讨论远程工作(如果可能的话,如果你的职责和你的症状足够轻微的话).

我的室友或室友测试呈阳性,但我不同意就地隔离的方法. 我该怎么办呢??

If there are any concerns from roommates, suitemates, or individual students who test positive, 如果有空位,我们可以安排学生临时搬迁. 这些信息将提供给测试呈阳性的学生,当他们填写 COVID-19 Reporting Form. 如果室友或室友担心他们的同伴检测呈阳性, and they do not agree to the isolate-in-place method, contact 居住生活 through the Quarantine Request Form 协助为检测呈阳性或有症状的住宿学生寻找住宿空间.

我如何使用COVID-19报告表报告我知道检测呈阳性但未隔离和/或未报告其检测结果的人? I’m concerned they may infect others.

检测呈阳性且无视针对COVID-19的公共卫生措施违反了《英国威廉希尔中文网站》,并可能导致纪律处分. 如果你有某人检测呈阳性但没有隔离的直接信息(i.e.,他们继续上课,在校园公共场所吃饭,参加活动等.),联系 with the necessary 信息. 学生主任办公室的工作人员可能需要与您联系以获取更多信息.

Do you know about a visitor, vendor, or affiliate who tested positive?

访问ors, vendors, and affiliates do not complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. 在达到结束隔离的标准后,他们被允许回到大学大楼或参加大学主办的活动(校内或校外). CDC指南可能有助于他们确定隔离结束日期.

I am a student living on campus who tested positive and needs to isolate, but I don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room. 我有什么选择?

如果测试呈阳性, complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form and request an alternative isolation room. We do encourage students to go home if they are able to do so.

I am a student living on campus with a roommate who tested positive. I don’t feel comfortable having that person isolating with me in the room.

If you don't agree with the arrangements to have your roommate stay with you, you can request different arrangements be made on the Quarantine Housing Request Form.

我是一名在校学生,曾接触过检测呈阳性的人(您是密切接触者)。. I need to quarantine, but don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room.

如果你需要在学校隔离,想要一个替代的空间, you can request a temporary quarantine space by filling out a Quarantine Housing Request Form.

如果我生病了,如何从餐饮服务中心订购外卖或送餐服务, 在检疫, 或隔离?

If you are on a meal plan and are living on campus, you can order a meal pick up or meal delivery from Dining Services online.

  • You must complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form in order to access the form to request meal service.
  • 接餐服务允许朋友接您从餐饮服务网站在线订购的饭菜.
  • 送餐服务提供您从餐饮服务在线订购的餐点的送餐服务. 你将能够带着一个合适的口罩离开你的住房,在你的建筑大厅或你的住所入口处取你的食物.
我如何进行测试? Where can I get access to tests?

Students can call 812-488-2033 to schedule an appointment at the UE Student Health Center for a $20 fee.


Where do I find out more 信息 regarding high-risk populations?

在这里了解更多信息: COVID-19 信息 for Specific Groups of People.

Where do I find out more 信息 about effective mask options?

Find out more about the Use and Care of Masks.